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May 8 - June 12, 2025 at the Aiken Center for the Arts

Dates to Remember

April 15 - Show registration deadline

May 3, 12:00- 6:00 PM - Drop off art (see instructions below)

May 8, 6:00-8:00 PM - ACA Reception

June 12, 10:00 - 4:00 PM - Pick up unsold pieces

Drop-Off Instructions

Please register online and complete your labels as directed prior to arrival.
Art will be collected on the second floor, Brown Pavillion.
  1. Register online before April 15, 2025.
  2. Complete 3 labels and attach one to the back, one to the front, and have one for check in.
  3. Drop off your art  - May 3, 12:00 - 6:00 PM.
  4. Art dropped off at any other time, or left with employees of the Aiken Center for the Arts, will not be entered in the show.

2025 Rules for Entry 

The show is open to all current AAG members.

Entries can be registered online between March 1 and April 15. Those using cash or check may bring their entry and payment to the AAG meeting on April 14. Mail in entries must be received by April 15. No entries will be accepted after the deadline.

Entry fee is $30 for one piece or $40 for two pieces.

You may enter 2 original pieces no larger than 48"x48". No artwork is to be labeled NFS. Each participant is guaranteed one entry. Those entering a second or "B" piece may have that piece juried out due to gallery space constraints.

Only original works of art not previously shown at the Aiken Center for the Arts will be accepted. One exception: a piece shown once in the AAG Gallery can be in the Member Show.

Note: Artwork produced in a workshop/class is not considered original and is not to be submitted for the show.

Works may be produced in any medium and be two-dimensional or three-dimensional.

2D pieces must be suitably framed with wire for hanging. Gallery wrapped canvas (1” minimum depth) will be accepted.

3D pieces must weigh no more than 50 pounds. Entries must be transportable, no larger than 48”x48”, and able to be hung in the Center, if applicable.

Absolutely no exhibited art may be removed prematurely from the show unless approved by ACA.

All artwork selected for the show will be insured by the ACA. The AAG reserves the right to decline any work. The receipt of an entry into the show will constitute an agreement by the artist with the conditions set forth in this prospectus. The Guild and the ACA reserve the right to photograph and reproduce any entry for promotional purposes.

Take an image of your artwork before framing so you have it when you win an award! Members winning awards will be required to supply a JPEG of winning pieces for the website.

The Aiken Center for the Arts will take a 40% commission on all sales.