George Edward Buggs
George Edward Buggs currently resides in Aiken, South Carolina and is engaged in creative photography. His primary subjects are the equine activities for which Aiken is known.
He has exhibited his photographic art in a number of local venues. They include The Aiken Center for the Arts, The McCormick Arts Center at the Keturah, (McCormick, S.C.), Equine Divine Art Gallery (Aiken), the South Side Gallery (Aiken), Aiken Office Supply, and The Aiken Spring Classic Horse Show (2007). His photos have appeared in the Aiken Standard, The Aiken Training Track brochure, The Aiken Horse, The Thoroughbred Times, Equestrian Quarterly, Meybohm Real Estate Guide, Aiken Homes and Lifestyle Magazine, Dogwood Stable Newsletter, Aiken Polo Club Magazine, Whiskey Road Hunt Magazine and theĀ Aiken Hounds Centennial Program.