President – Chris McKeel
Vice President - Robbie Robb
Secretary – Deby Stewart
Treasurer – John Gordon
Program Director – Sean White
Membership Director – Betsy Hughes
Member Show Director – Hill Krecker
Publicity Director – Catherine Musham
Outreach Directors – Debbie Black and Connie Smith
About Us
Founded in 1967, the Aiken Artist Guild has a proud history of workshops, critiques, exhibitions and joyful sharing of ideas and encouragement. Our juried shows are impressive; our casual critiques support developing talent. Our meetings offer exciting demonstrations, new product awareness, gallery information, and exposure to new media. Join us to meet other artists, share the journey of self improvement and discovery, and have fun! Now a non-profit organization, the Guild meets the second Monday of each month September through May.
INSPIRE: We are inspired by the talent, hard work, and dedication of members who show their work in several AAG-sponsored shows and contribute to a wide variety of other shows in the state and region. Member awards are publicized in local media by the Guild and applauded by AAG peers. The contagious energy generated by upcoming shows is a powerful inspiration!
ENCOURAGE: Mentors and peers offer us their artistic perspectives in casual critiques. Members are encouraged to participate in Guild sponsored educational events and to network with other artists and art organizations.
SUPPORT: Our Board of Directors, comprised of volunteers elected for two-year terms, works year-round to plan valuable Guild activities. We welcome new members and provide them with rewarding volunteer opportunities. AAG is dedicated to providing member benefits and reaching out to the community.
EXHIBIT: Our members participate in regional and national shows and gather an abundance of awards! The AAG’s annual Member Show is one of the highlights of the year. The Guild works with community businesses and organizations to provide ongoing exhibit space for member artists. We display our work at several venues in Aiken. Membership can begin at age 17 and last for a lifetime!