2020 Member Show Awards

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2020 Member Show Awards

Franklin Delgado, Judge

NOTE: As the annual reception has been canceled due to the pandemic, awards will be mailed to the recipients.

Due to the unprecedented restrictions of the pandemic, the annual AAG Member Show was greatly modified this year.  However, despite these challenges, AAG continues to promote the local art community.  With 60 participating artists, ACA was able to exhibit slightly over 100 pieces of local art. We announced awardees on our website, social media, newsletter, and print.  Special thanks to Aiken Center for the Arts and our very own Debbie Black for their professionalism, patience and flexibility.

Congratulations to:

Permar Best of Show        Betsy Hughes “Orange Beauties”

Colgate Best Aiken Scene       Luiza Somodi “A Quiet Walk Down South Boundary”

AAG New Member Award      Maddy Sherman “Sunny Lilies”

Westcott Judge’s Choice Award     Mary Ann Brock “Miss Ann”

Shoemaker Pastel Award      Kimberly Boucher “Water Lily”



1ST      Carol Roberts “Mandarins on a Shelf”

2ND     Ann Smith “Majestic”

3RD      Garland Gooden “In Monument Valley”


1ST      Mary Ann Brock “Cellist”

2ND      Nanette Langner “Kind Eyes”

3RD      Maddy Sherman “All Someone’s Children”


1ST       Marsha Shelburn “Riggs”

2ND      Martha Fox “Oranges”

3RD      Celeste Malinowski “Reach for the Sky”


1ST       Garland Gooden “In the Sangre de Cristos”

2ND     Linda Hardy “Remembering the Sky”

3RD     Carolyn Bohn “Serenity”


1ST       Lizabeth Thompson “Sixth to Ninth Hour”

2ND       William Martin “The Hoer”

3RD      Donna Postma “Absaroka 1”



Chris McKeel “Stepping Into the Light”

Gene Reardon “Gadwall Wood Carving”

Judy Gore Adamick “Nesting Herons”

Carol Elliott “Cruising”

Pat Bartlett “Reassurance”